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Openly gay candidate, Dan Ryan, wins Portland Public School Board Race

Dan Ryan was elected to the board of Oregon's largest school district by a wide margin, according to preliminary election results reported by the Multnomah County elections division.

Ryan, a Portland State University development director, defeated his nearest challenger, teacher and former school board member Steve Buel, by a wide margin.

Ryan also defeated Charles McGee, a Portland State University student; Sheryl Butler, a community college administrative assistant, and Steve Kayfes, a production manager in the Portland Nabisco bakery. His final opponent, Juanita Johnson, dropped out of the race.

Ryan will replace Derry Jackson, who did not run for re-election.

"I feel great because a lot of people came together to make this campaign successful," said Ryan, 42. "Really, my job now is to keep them engaged."

Ryan said his primary goal is to address the achievement gap, "especially how it relates to the students in North Portland," he said.

The Basic Rights Oregon EqualityPAC had also given Dan their endorsement - Go Dan! The BRO EqualityPAC green lighted a total of 3 people for the Portland Public school Board. All three won their races.
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