Barack Launches "Fight the Smears" Microsite
With GOP and other right-wing lies coming across email chain forwards, FOX news, blogs and other mediums, Barack's campaign has launched "Fight the Smears". With a simple list of attempted smears and manipulations Barack's campaign shows the actual truth - sometimes with video proof of the truth.
Check it out at
Here's an example:
THE SMEAR: Barack Obama Won't Say The Pledge of Allegiance/Won't Put His Hand Over His Heart
LIE: Barack Obama won't say the pledge
LIE: Barack Obama won't put his hand over this heart during the pledge of allegiance
THE TRUTH: View video of Barack leading The Pledge of Allegiance in the United States Senate below...
Labels: 2008 Presidential Election, barack obama
And all of this time I thought that Fox News was telling me the truth. My image has been shattered.
Stupid opening prayer! They should just get rid of something that is so unnessecary and all the people in Congress arent Christian so how stupid is that? Under God also needs to be taken out of the Pledge of Alliagence to be brought back to its secular foundings!
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