Washington Senate Passes Domestic Partnership Expansion Bill
After already passing the Washington State House 62-32 back in February, the Senate today voted to 29-20 to pass a bill that would add roughly 160 rights, responsibilities and protection to same-sex couples and their families.
Washington's existing Domestic Partnership bill currently consists of about a dozen rights and responsibilities.
Washington Governor Chris Gregoire signed the previous Domestic Partnership bill (2007) in addition to an Anti-Discrimination bill back in 2006. She has consistently supported pro-equality legislation and has already indicated her support for this legislation - meaning it should be signed very soon.
Congrats Washington!
Labels: domestic partnership, washington
But where's the 411 about the initiative to overturn HB2007, the Domestic Partnership bill by State Senator Fred Girod (R-Stayton) and State Rep. Sal Esquivel (R-Medford)?
And the other initiative to overturn SB2, the anti-discrimination bill from State Senator Gary George (R-Newberg) and Rep. Kim Thatcher h(R-Keizer)?
Nobody's doing much reporting on this. Face it- you're a much needed resource!!
We'll have the story tomorrow. We all knew it was coming and now we have 9 months (hopefully not) to report on it.
We'll bring you the full story tomorrow.
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