Sherwood Principal Chooses Anti-Gay Over Anti-Bully Message
This news comes out of Sherwood Oregon (about 15 minutes outside downtown). Imagine this, not even a week after a 15 year old middle school student was shot in the head by his 14 year old classmate because of his perceived sexual orientation. This situation in Sherwood disturbs me so much.
Sherwood Middle School drama students would rather cancel their production of "Higher Ground" than give in to their principal's request for revisions.
The cast of "Higher Ground," an original play written by the school's drama teacher, Jennie Brown, that explores the effects of bullying and hate speech and that was originally scheduled to open this weekend, met Thursday, Feb. 21, to discuss Principal Anna Pittioni's announcement that the play was "too mature" for middle school students.
"They had two options," Pittioni said. "They could vote to work on revisions or to not revise the play."
(Principal Pittoni had two options as well. To choose to say that intolerance will not be tolerated or that intolerance will be tolerated and even more than that - protected. She sadly chose the latter.)
Not revising the script would mean not performing the play at the middle school. In the end, 35 of the 47 cast members present voted against making revisions, Pittioni said.
Pittioni postponed the play earlier in the week and said some of the content was too mature for her students.
"Based on the broad audience of students we serve, I believe that the existing content exceeds the maturity of many of our students," Pittioni wrote in an announcement sent out to parents on Wednesday, Feb. 20. "Additionally, I believe that the play can be revised and performed at a later date."
As some parents put it:
"The whole play has just a fabulous message with it and it's about bullying," said Horner.
On Tuesday, Horner sent an e-mail to local media and said he supported addressing the topic, having been a victim of bullying himself.
"To think that 'Higher Ground,' a play that confronts the abusive reality of bullying, was canceled three days prior to the performance because of a reference to homosexuality and other contemporary topics that some may have difficulty acknowledging, saddens me," he wrote.
Sarah Grant, whose 13-year-old son, Freddie, has a major part in the middle school production, she was upset with the late date of the postponement.
For a play that had been approved by school counselors, only to be cancelled by Principal Anna Pittioni mere days prior to it going on stage is ridiculous.
This is theater. Theater is art and expression - in addition, this production happens to have a great message.
Sadly, the message that has been sent to the kids at the school by Principal Anna Pittioni cancelling it is the polar opposite of the message that is delivered by the play. It is a sad day for Sherwood Middle School, especially for the kids who get bullied on a daily basis for any number of reasons.
Shame on Principal Anna Pittioni.
Our friend Recovering Straight Girl, who is a mother herself, put it quite eloquently:
Amazing isn't it? That Portland, Oregon is one of the most diverse and affirming cities in the United States but if you leave the city limits and drive just a mere 17 miles out of town; you are in a different world all together.
A local middle school administrator in Sherwood, a suburb of the Portland Metro area has halted a production of a play that promotes tolerance and has an anti-bullying message. She has deemed the play "too mature" for middle school students. Too mature? The students themselves stated in interviews yesterday that the content of the play is "tame" compared to what they deal with in real life. And in a world where 15 year old middle-school students are murdered because of their sexual orientation and gender identity, I think that it's vital that middle school students receive the most diversity training that they can.
Unfortunately this issue is not about promoting diversity or tolerance. It's about tolerating intolerance.
By promoting tolerance and acceptance, this school district is afraid that they will look as though they promote some kind of "alternate lifestyle."
This is a public school filled with students who have to deal with this crap every single solitary day. By statistical data, 10% of them are GLBTQ themselves, and some of them even have GLBTQ parents and family members.
This is outrageous and embarrassing that this kind of bigotry has a voice and it's voice is so prominent.
And as the Statesman Journal put up their list of "Winners and Losers" they wisely included this:
LOSER: Sherwood Middle School. The administration postponed a school play about bullying, contending that it was too mature for some students and would offend some people. Get real. Students know what's going on in society -- and in their schools.
I encourage you to email the administration at Sherwood Middle School let them know what you think about promoting a nasty message of tolerating intolerance in her school. Here are the contacts:
Anna Pittioni - Principal:
Steve Emmert - Assistant Principal:
Chris Stevens - Dean of Students:
Marianne Funderhide - Dean of Students:
When a mom spoke to Pittioni the same day she cancelled the play she admitted she had not even finished reading it! She cancelled it based on three things: 1)gay reference 2)use of the word cow and 3) reference to a phone "vibrating" made her uncomfortable. Please see quote below:
"I asked her {Pittioni} point blank to what extent the implication that Josh, the main character, is mistaken as gay and then bullied because of that assumption. She expressed to me that she was concerned that by keeping that component of the story intact it would imply that Sherwood Middle School supports "that lifestyle." I asked her if she also had difficulty supporting a "black" lifestyle, a "Norwegian" lifestyle or a red-headed "lifestyle," because people are no more choiceful about their ethnicity or natural hair color than they are about their sexual orientation. She then, oddly, stated she had no political agenda but that what people "do in the bedroom," should stay there.”
We can not let the homophobia of an administrator influence our children!
Dan Jamison the School Superintendent condoned and supported the behavior of Pittioni. He can be contacted at:
You can also show your support for the teacher and author of Higher Ground Jenni Brown at:
I'm so tired of lies. Of making up excuses for things. For covering up one thing while alluding to another. She should be ashamed. And a principal! ONe who is to educate. And protect. Not promote fear or hatred or lend her beliefs to anyone else. I'm thinking somebody needs a good old fashioned spanking. And it's the principal needing it this time.
Thanks for covering this. I wrote to the superintendent. Schools have to start acknowledging reality. I wonder if that principal claims there is no bullying at her school. Because the children are so INNOCENT. Please.
Must we submit letters of reference with a rainbow flag that Pittioni is NOT homophobic?
There is by far too much "he said/she said" discussion going on. Does the media expose the whole truth? Do parents that are pissed off exclude details?
Pittioni is one of the very reasons anti-bullying curriculum is included in the district - no one has mentioned this. This is not a gay/straight issue folks, it's just not.
The references made in this play are offensive and scary. It's kids hazing another kid who is suspect of being gay but this isn't even stated. The script clearly depicts homophobia but doesn't give it a name - if this play is to teach children wouldn't it make sense to be as clear as day on this? In this scene,other kids are holding him down, won't let him go, you aren't sure what will happen to the poor boy - the dialogue is scary and made me feel nervous and scared that he could potentially be raped. How scary this could be for children (and others) in the audience. There is not an explicit message naming the issues going on here and this is wrong. The principal was quoted somewhere acknowledging bullying is a big issue and it must be addressed. She also stated the play would be postponed until parts of the play could be revised. This is only one piece of the play that made me as an adult reader feel very uncomfortable. The "retard" scene, horrible. The "cow" scene, horrible. While the fundamental messages in the play are good, the presentation does not seem appropriate for many.
LuckyLady -
All of these situations come up on a daily basis at schools - hence we must face it head on.
As Bryan already stated, these situations occur every day. I've experienced some fairly scary locker-room moments involving a great deal of homophobia. I've seen people harassed for being mentally challenged. Some of my best friends have been called much worse things than "cow." I think it's good that it scared you. Bullying should be scary. Imagine how the character Josh may have felt as he was experiencing that. And then think about how the efforts of people like Jennie Brown could have helped prevent that.
Tonight, I had the honor of seeing the first performance of Higher Ground for friends and family of the production. I have viewed several middle school plays, and this one is hands-down the best. The writing was sophisticated and witty. The student performances were sincere and moving. The people on my left and right cried at the end when all of the young actors' persistence and dedication paid off with a standing ovation. The students shouted out thanks for Miss Brown, and Miss Brown finished by saying, “This play was worth every minute of it.” Please bring your teenage friends and family to this production—it is a tasteful portrayal of middle school life, and the play inspires one to live a life of kindness. The moral lesson is perfect, and teenagers need to hear that they are not alone in their daily struggles.
Alert: Sherwood administrators confiscated Ms Brown's computer last week (before play was performed in Portland). When the computer was returned, Ms. Brown's email was changed to:
If you have tried to contact her, those emails are probably going to the administration. It would be a shame if messages from well wishers and friends of "Higher Ground" are not being received by the proper owner. Please make a note of her new address. Thanks!
I was bullied. I was sick about it for a long time. I was afraid to go to school. Yet, I learned how to read, write, do math and enjoy my friends.
Back then (1950's and 1960's), schools never wavered from their purpose to teach academics. I'm grateful there were no plays about bullying. It would have depressed me.
What is the origin of human unkindness toward others? The problem here is a fundamental difference of opinion among us.
Where does meanness in children come from? The majority of people know that everyone - even you - is capable of being mean and nasty toward others.
However, since the dawn of science, society tries to pin down a brain disorder by looking at brain scans of murderers. Since the dawn of psychotherapy, society looks at bad parenting.
Yet, we are all capable of evil.
Schools do not need to focus every learning opportunity to psychological trauma. That's not their purpose.
I'm a taxpayer. I don't want my hard earned money going to plays written by a teacher.
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