A Beef With the Nuts at World Nut Daily
So over at World 'Nut' Daily they're reporting about a gay pride organizer from Wisconsin who is now facing a felony charge after police say he sought to meet a 14-year-old boy via the internet for a sexual encounter. Is this ok? Of course not. The folks here at Gay Rights Watch couldn't be more against this type of thing. BUT...
First, why is this a big news story to them? If our blog reported on every single straight man who did this, we wouldn't have time to do anything else but type-type-type. I mean come on now, don't you watch To Catch a Predator? Straight man after straight man who get caught in stings trying to have sex with 12, 13 and 14 year-old girls.
Second, just look at the following list of recent youth pastors (World Net Daily's peeps) who got busted...
And in a little good news for youth pastors…
Video of To Catch a Predator on Dateline NBC is below. So World Net Daily, I'll see you and raise you 20.