Basic Rights Oregon Launches New Campaign
I'm pretty impressed. The folks at Basic Rights Oregon launched a new campaign today called "50 Voices for Equality". It features 50 straight, yes straight Oregonians who are coming out in support of equality for gay and lesbians. They are also obviously voicing their support for the two recent laws passed in May. One being the Domestic Partnership law and the other being a statewide Anti-Discrimination law.
Sadly, anti-family, anti-fairness groups are currently attempting to do a referendum on these laws. Check out the video below about the new 50 Voices for Equality campaign and visit the site at
Labels: anti-discrimination, basic rights oregon, domestic partnership, gay rights, referendum, straight allies
That sounds like a really wonderful campaign. It's things like these that give me some hope after our president tries to constitutionally ban gay marriage and tons of anti-gay rights groups are still fighting against fair and equal treatment for homosexual couples. And what kills me is they have the audacity to mention their "morals" and how it violates their beliefs--what?! Discrimination is what they consider to be moral? Discrimination somehow falls in line with the idea of all people being created equally, and everyone having the right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness? There's nothing less moral or more un-American than supporting that viewpoint. It's disgusting.
The campaign sounds like a good one. It need to drown out the haters out there, and their unpatriotic diatribe.
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