Ann Coulter tells host Glenn Beck that she does not believe the word "faggot" is a slur and says "it's a comedic word, a schoolyard word." Coulter also says the "word means wimp, wuss, pathetic."
Hello, you have a wonderful blog, but I can't find your email address, can you please contact me at I have something to discuss with you Regards, Chris (Please can you delete this comment after your decision?)
that word should still never be used
Hello, you have a wonderful blog, but I can't find your email address, can you please contact me at I have something to discuss with you
Regards, Chris
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Ann Coulter defines the word BITCH. She goes for the lowbrow stab every time. I put her in the category of Fred Phelps. Basically a neo-Nazi.
Coulter is obviously a moron, and please note that moron is not a slur.
mo·ron /ˈmɔrɒn, ˈmoʊr-/ –noun
1. a person who is notably stupid or lacking in good judgment.
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