Gavin Newsom: The Next Great Progressive Leader
I went to a little fundraiser for Gavin Newsom last Monday night at SauceBox here in downtown Portland. Now, I've said it before - the man is sexy in so many ways. This was my first time actually meeting Mayor Newsom in person. It was a great event - and I saw many familiar faces including Kari Chisholm of BlueOregon.At one point in the night, Gavin went behind the bar and stood on it in order to make his speech to the entire crowd. It was impassioned and bold. The man knows what he stands for, and he's not afraid to say it. I walked away that night with an even stronger sense that this man, Gavin Newsom, is destined to move up the political ladder and make a great leader in this nation. I can't wait to see that day.
Posted by Bryan Harding
I was also there at Saucebox and the thing that Mayor Newsom said that struck me most is that in politics principles always outlast tenure. He said--and I agree--that the problem with Democrats right now is that we are so concerned about holding on to power or getting reelected that we sacrifice principles falsely beleiving that it secures our position of power. But..we must remember: what good is power without any principles?
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