Gov. Schwarzenegger Slaps Consituents in the Face
California's Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger is showing a complete and utter disregard for the members of his community--specifically, the gay and lesbian community.
Today, the Governor was set to meet with directors of California GLBT groups, including Equality California, the largest statewide GLBT adovcacy group. Schwarzenegger didn't show up to the meeting as planned, but instead had them meet with his staff. Quite disrespectful to cancel a meeting for an issue that is a major matter that will have a huge direct effect on the lives of hundreds of thousands of gay and lesbian families.
Last year Equality California rated him a 100--last year he signed every GLBT bill that came to his desk. This year--well, he has a zero.
Gay and lesbian Californian's are outraged. He invited them for this meeting--and just a few days after announcing that he would veto the bill (AB 849), these top state leaders wanted to discuss the ramifications of his actions with the most effected, the constituents that are most effected. Instead he decided to prep for interviews with various local media outlets today. I guess that preparing for interviews is more important than attending a meeting that you had scheduled about a decision you are making to further promote and fortify discrimination in the great state of California.
Gay rights groups are putting a ton of pressure on the Gov. still--though are not encouraged that he will change his mind on this promise to veto. They are hoping that he will at least come out against two anti-marriage constitutional amendments that will be coming to voters next year. One similar to Measure 36 here in Oregon that would define marriage as a union between a man and a woman, and the other much more sweeping--as it would also take away domestic partnerships that are already in place in California, as well as define marriage as solely between one man and one woman.
Governor Schwarzenegger, let me remind you of a statement you recently made--in fact, in the same press release from your office regarding your promise to veto the bill:
" couples are entitled to full protection under the law and should not be discriminated against based upon their relationship..."
For past coverage by Gay Rights Watch re: California's AB 849:
Governor Ahhhhnold, We're Calling Bullshit.
Governor Schwarzenegger: My Parents Letter to You
Schwarzenegger's Office has Requested Meeting with Equality California
Schwarzenegger: Unaware Who Elects California Legislature
EQCA: A Message to the Governor
Or click here for a complete list via Google Blog Search.
Written by Bryan Harding
Actually, his consituents - the citizens of California, voted against this. So actually he is enforcing the will of his consituents. Please get the facts correct!
California's Prop 22 conflicts with another statute in the California law. Therefore leaves this opening.
Read this:
Governor Ahhhhnold, We're Calling Bullshit.
Also - prop 22 was voted on in 2000. Public opinion has considerably changed in that time. California is even split on the issue as all polls show. Legislators act on the will of their constituents. Believe it or not they do for the most part listen to the people that they represent--afterall they do want to be reeleccted. The problem is that Arnold will not be reelected--no matter which way he goes on this. He would actually probably gain support by signing this.
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