Tootie Smith: An Unethical Mess of a Lobbyist
As the Willamette Week once said, "...combination of self-serving hypocrisy and exquisitely poor timing". I am going to keep this post extremely short. In fact I've said most of what I want to say already. This so-called lobbyist is a lying scam willing to stoop to the lowest of lows and personal attacks to perserve discrimination in the State of Oregon. No wonder she works for the Oregon Family Council - it all makes sense. Tootie, you are a pathetic individual.
Call me Tootie - let's grab a drink. I'd love to have a face to face with you.
Pictured below: Tootie, Our #1 fan.

Posted by Gay Rights Watch
Call me Tootie - let's grab a drink. I'd love to have a face to face with you.
Pictured below: Tootie, Our #1 fan.

Posted by Gay Rights Watch
I'm sorry, but the name Tootie only belongs on the Facts of Life. Don't make me sing the theme song.
Yeah but... you're probably already singing the theme song on the beaches of Hawaii.
- Bryan H. <-- still jealous of your vacation
So what did she do to get lumped in with Nashif and Minnis? More explanation pretty please.
You mean other than stoop to such amazing lows with out of control personal attacks? She lobbies for the Oregon Family Council - need I say more? She knows what she did and she just loves reading my blog. This post is for her.
You mean she attacked you personally? Why in the world would she think attacking you is going to do anything? You're not exactly a public figure or anything, you have a blog and that's about it...right? I mean, who's going to listen and why would they care...with all due respect...of course.
It's a long story that I don't want to get into - and it back fired on her.
You should not comment anonymously... :)
Midway through the session shortly after the initial introduction of SB 1000, she came around and handed out a packet describing the evils of the "gay lifestyle". Frankly, that says all you need to know about Tootie Smith right there, that she would buy that crap.
I like to think of her as Twattie Smith
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