Starbucks Cups Are Too Gay?
The muscle-T wearing, White Party attending, Cher loving Starbucks cups? Hmmmm.
This is so ridiculous that people are up in arms about this. Leave it to the Christian right... I guess Starbucks is "promoting the homosexual agenda" with their cups. Whenever people use that term I have to wonder what the 'homosexual agenda' is. To me it is to have life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness - just as equally as anyone else in the country would. Maybe it's simply to be left the hell alone. Fuck - I guess that is just too hard to swallow for the 'loving and compassionate Christian right'...

Click here to view the Starbucks "The Way I see It" Campaign info page.
The Seattle Times reports
As if Starbucks isn't already viewed as an amazingly progressive company. Please - these people need to worry about more important things in life.
For the article click here.
Story by Lornet Turnbull/Seattle Times Staff reporter
Posted by Bryan Harding
This is so ridiculous that people are up in arms about this. Leave it to the Christian right... I guess Starbucks is "promoting the homosexual agenda" with their cups. Whenever people use that term I have to wonder what the 'homosexual agenda' is. To me it is to have life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness - just as equally as anyone else in the country would. Maybe it's simply to be left the hell alone. Fuck - I guess that is just too hard to swallow for the 'loving and compassionate Christian right'...

Click here to view the Starbucks "The Way I see It" Campaign info page.
The Seattle Times reports
Starbucks says it was hoping to inspire old-fashioned coffee-house conversations when it introduced a campaign this year featuring the words of notable Americans on its coffee cups.
But at least a few of those words are sparking more discord than discussion.
A national Christian women's organization is accusing the Seattle-based coffee maker of promoting a homosexual agenda because of a quote by author Armistead Maupin, whose "Tales of the City" chronicled San Francisco's homosexual community in the 1970s and 1980s.
Maupin's quote one of several dozen in "The Way I See It" promotion says his only regret about being gay is that he repressed it for so long.
"I surrendered my youth to the people I feared when I could have been out there loving someone. Don't make that mistake yourself. Life's too damn short."
Concerned Women for America, which promotes itself as the antithesis of the National Organization for Women and boasts 8,700 supporters in Washington, says most of those quoted on the coffee cups are liberal.
The group believes corporations have a responsibility to reflect the diversity of their customers by taking a balanced approach or staying out of divisive social issues altogether.
And while the group is not calling for a boycott, its position nonetheless raises questions about what role if any corporations should take on potentially sensitive matters, especially at a time when the nation is divided, largely along religious lines, on issues such as gay rights.
"Corporations have deeper pockets and therefore more influence than individuals do," said Maureen Richardson, state director of Concerned Women for America of Washington.
"I think it's wiser for them to stay out of these issues so that they don't offend conservatives and people of faith."
To these companies, she says: "If you want my money, support some of my causes."
But experts say that on controversial issues, no company can please all its customers all the time. Corporations, they say, need to pick their battles, staking out a position on issues they believe to be just.
"There are many religious-based social issues that are so hard for society to address right now things like abortion and capital punishment they're better left for another time," said Leo Hindery, author of "It Takes a CEO: Leading with Integrity."
"But there are a couple of places where it is clear to me that there should be no ambiguity of corporate responsibility the environment and civil rights," Hindery said. "As a corporation, you cannot let the desire for unanimity override your obligation for fairness."
"The Way I See It" campaign does not set out to take a political stand but rather to encourage discourse, Starbucks spokeswoman Audrey Lincoff said.
"If you think back to the history of the old coffee houses, before the Internet, these were places to converse," she said. "That's part of what the coffee culture has been for a century or more."
Lincoff said the company does not characterize the personalities quoted on its coffee cups as liberal or conservative, but rather as a diverse group of artists, musicians, educators, activists and athletes.
Among them: actor Quincy Jones, New Age author and alternative-medicine doctor Deepak Chopra, radio host and film critic Michael Medved, rap artist Chuck D and Olympic medalist Michelle Kwan.
The coffee company won't be pulling the Maupin quote or any other from the campaign, but in fact will expand it to feature quotes from regular customers.
"Embracing diversity and treating people with dignity is one of the guiding principles of our corporation," Lincoff said.
Richardson, of the women's organization, cites possible support by Starbucks for pro-life clinics and the Boy Scouts of America as ways the company might offset its support of Planned Parenthood Federation of America and gay pride.
But Starbucks spokeswoman Lara Wyss said decisions about sponsoring gay-pride events and other causes are made at the store or regional level, not the corporate level. And while Starbucks matches employee contributions to charities such as Planned Parenthood, Wyss said, it doesn't make outright corporate contributions to such groups.
Other corporations have also drawn controversy over sensitive topics.
Last spring, Ken Hutcherson, pastor of Antioch Bible Church in Redmond, threatened to boycott Microsoft if it didn't back off its support of anti-discrimination legislation for gays here in Washington.
Microsoft withdrew, but said it had decided before Hutcherson issued his threat.
In Oregon last month, Nike withstood opposition and an e-mail campaign organized by a Christian organization over Nike's support of legislation that would have allowed civil unions and banned discrimination against gays.
Both measures passed the Senate but did not make it to the House for a vote.
And for more than two decades now, members of the Freedom from Religion Foundation, which advocates for the separation of state and church, said they have complained to Alaska Airlines about prayer cards the company distributes with in-flight meals.
The airline said it has been offering the cards for 30 years and has received positive responses along with complaints. Passengers are free to give the cards back or turn them over if they don't want them, the carrier said.
John Hoover, a national business consultant and author who has advised such companies as IBM, Delta Air Lines and Boeing on the art of confrontation, said, "It's not incumbent on corporations to operate with balance" as Richardson suggests.
"But when they stand by their conscience, they must be willing to accept the consequences."
As if Starbucks isn't already viewed as an amazingly progressive company. Please - these people need to worry about more important things in life.
For the article click here.
Story by Lornet Turnbull/Seattle Times Staff reporter
Posted by Bryan Harding
Out of all the times I have gone to Starbucks, why I have not been given the gay cup? I think I will request it next time, take a picture of it, and post it on my blog. Here is to Starbucks for not backing down!
If anybody gets a copy of The Gay Agenda, will you shoot it my way? I plan to post it in its entirety on my blog.
Also: I SO want The Gay Cup. I'm with you on that Adam. What if we create a consumer demand for The Gay Cup?
The Gay Agenda: Click Here
Also - The Gay Agenda...
7:45 a.m. Alarm rings
8:00 a.m.-8:10 a.m. Take shower
8:15 a.m.-8:30 a.m. Dress and put items into Louis V. briefcase
8:35 a.m. Leave house
8:45 a.m. Starbucks (with your Grande non-fat sugar free vanilla latte in the Starbucks 'promoting the gay agenda cup')
9:00 a.m. Arrive at job
12:00 p.m. Lunch with a co-worker.
12:45 p.m. Return to job
1:30 p.m.-2:30 p.m. Meeting
5:00 p.m. Leave work
5:30 p.m.-6:30 p.m. Work out @ gym
7:00 p.m. Return home
7:20 p.m. Prepare and eat dinner
8:00 p.m. Watch your Netflix movie that came today
11:00 p.m. Go to sleep
wait one minute, that leaves no time for my martini! What kind of gay are you???
This is a Monday night... You can have your Martini Tues-Sun nights :)
So just for you here is the revised...
7:00p.m. - Meet friends at Bluehour (for those of you in Portland), order an extra dirty, 3 olive martini with a twist. Share the fondue with your friends...
-Bryan H.
Did someone say extra dirty 3 olive martini? That is better than sex!
it's better during sex maybe, but better than sex? That would be a hard sell.
A big thank you to corporations such as Nike and Starbucks for standing behind their decisions to publicly support equal human rights (shame on Microsoft). I believe this type of corporate support makes a huge difference and is something we should spend more time focusing on in future campaigns.
there is no reason for a company to push its' views on people.
moral and political views should be left for people to decide for themselves.
pro gay is straight is wrong.
pro religion is wrong...anti-religion is wrong.
both the left and right need to let people make up their own minds instead of forcing their views on people.
coorporations, media, political figures...these are the powder kegs that are creaing discontent, mistrust, and bigotry.
So does Starbucks support gay's or no?? I'm still a bit confused on that one...
Starbucks doesn't discriminate based on a number of things, and sexual orientation is one of those. All the usual - race, religion, disability, maritial status, sexual orientation etc.
They support diversity and do not hide that. Diversity not only as far as sexual orientation--but in every realm mentioned above.
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