SB1000 Killed. What's Next?
First of all, to all of those who come back here day after day - thank you. The fight is continuing and for anyone to give up at this point would simply be ridiculous. It is far from over. Over the weekend about 35 people canvassed homes in Queen Karen's district. It actually started on her own street. There were literature drops to her constituents as well. From what I hear it was very successful.
Rumor is that we have some things happening this week. SB1000 for all it's worth is dead at this point as it had been stripped by the House (Karen Minnis).
As soon as information is somewhat public, I will make sure to update you all ASAP.
Post By Bryan Harding
Rumor is that we have some things happening this week. SB1000 for all it's worth is dead at this point as it had been stripped by the House (Karen Minnis).
As soon as information is somewhat public, I will make sure to update you all ASAP.
Post By Bryan Harding
so there's no point in putting any more pressure on for bringing the bill to a vote...?
Well yes there is. Just not for SB1000 at this point. We all need to basically consider it dead in the water - the number at least. People need to (and I will update this posting as well) is continue to contact your House Rep and lobby for "Civil Unions and Anti-Discrimination Legislation". Call whenver you think about it. It doesn't hurt - only helps. Thanks Torrid for reminding me :)
-Bryan H.
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