Fag; queer; homosexual; perverted; sexual deviant - but truly what am I?
I am no different than you. I am your neighbor, your co-worker and the friendly smile that walks past you on the sidewalk.
I am sick and tired. Sick and tired of the all-out-attack on myself... the all out attack on those close to me. The funny thing is that the people who are attacking us are no different that us; yet they think that they are so different.
Oh Oregon... where hath thou gone? What happened to the fair-minded citizens of this beautiful state we all call home? I know you are out there - but where?
So here we are in the middle of a movement. This is by far the biggest and most heated political debate of my lifetime - as well as most of yours. There has been extreme joy at times and there has been absolute heartbreak. They both breed a will to fight harder and harder for what will eventually be easily obtainable. I can taste equality - advances at least.
I feel as though we could be doing more as a collective whole. I see some gays and lesbians complaining about the current state of civil rights - though that's where it stops. They are not getting involved, not taking any measurable action. Day in and day out I see heterosexuals who do the same exact thing. Forward thinking Oregonians - WE NEED YOUR HELP.
We all know that this is a movement that history will remember. We also know that throughout history civil rights do eventually come - though not without a fight. So this is my question. Are you going to be on the lawful side of this fight, knowing how unfair the treatment of gays and lesbians is, but you do nothing? Be a part of the fight that we will win. With your help we can make this happen faster.
I encourage you to speak up about SB 1000. SB 1000 just had it's first Senate hearing on Wednesday. SB 1000 would grant same-sex couples the right to civil unions and it would also create a statewide non-discrimination act. This would prevent employers from firing a person JUST BECAUSE THEY ARE GAY. They need no other reason. In many cities across Oregon it is still legal to fire your best employee - because you don't agree with their private life. We need you to take FIVE MINUTES. That's it - just five minutes. If you do nothing more than take this five minutes, at least you are doing something that will help to make a big difference.
We need people writing to their legislators. It's so easy to do via the web and there are even sample letters for you to use.
All you have to do is click here to go to Basic Rights Oregon's Legislative Action Center. It will tell you who you legislators are - it seriously could not be any easier.
I am sick and tired. Sick and tired of the all-out-attack on myself... the all out attack on those close to me. The funny thing is that the people who are attacking us are no different that us; yet they think that they are so different.
Oh Oregon... where hath thou gone? What happened to the fair-minded citizens of this beautiful state we all call home? I know you are out there - but where?
So here we are in the middle of a movement. This is by far the biggest and most heated political debate of my lifetime - as well as most of yours. There has been extreme joy at times and there has been absolute heartbreak. They both breed a will to fight harder and harder for what will eventually be easily obtainable. I can taste equality - advances at least.
I feel as though we could be doing more as a collective whole. I see some gays and lesbians complaining about the current state of civil rights - though that's where it stops. They are not getting involved, not taking any measurable action. Day in and day out I see heterosexuals who do the same exact thing. Forward thinking Oregonians - WE NEED YOUR HELP.
We all know that this is a movement that history will remember. We also know that throughout history civil rights do eventually come - though not without a fight. So this is my question. Are you going to be on the lawful side of this fight, knowing how unfair the treatment of gays and lesbians is, but you do nothing? Be a part of the fight that we will win. With your help we can make this happen faster.
I encourage you to speak up about SB 1000. SB 1000 just had it's first Senate hearing on Wednesday. SB 1000 would grant same-sex couples the right to civil unions and it would also create a statewide non-discrimination act. This would prevent employers from firing a person JUST BECAUSE THEY ARE GAY. They need no other reason. In many cities across Oregon it is still legal to fire your best employee - because you don't agree with their private life. We need you to take FIVE MINUTES. That's it - just five minutes. If you do nothing more than take this five minutes, at least you are doing something that will help to make a big difference.
We need people writing to their legislators. It's so easy to do via the web and there are even sample letters for you to use.
All you have to do is click here to go to Basic Rights Oregon's Legislative Action Center. It will tell you who you legislators are - it seriously could not be any easier.
Could I fire someone merely for announcing that they are married? The inherent reference is to a public announcement of private sexual activity, irrespective of whether the assertion is true or not.
That is, I find no civil right to make an announcement (other than to speak freely away from kids), but I could find a violation of disparate treatment of the announcement. It is sort of like the boy scout case, if you let one group speak then you must allow all.
Nothing in this mandates that one should be rewarded for their public announcements about private sexual relations.
Is there a damn thing that a married person could do if faced with a private employer that implemented a don't ask don't tell policy, across the board, as it pertains to private sexual relations and the variety of code references for the same?
An extension of a privilege is not the same as a civil right, and mocks civil rights, which is my beef.
Homosexuality is not a civil right.
Gary... that is your name right?
No - homosexuality is not a civil right. Do you need me to define a civil right?
civil right
n : right or rights belonging to a person by reason of citizenship including especially the fundamental freedoms and privileges guaranteed by the 13th and 14th amendments and subsequent acts of Congress including the right to legal and social and economic equality.
So I do not recall being gay one of those. Being gay is simply a trait that makes a person who they are. Just as you are straight. Did you choose to be straight?
A civil rights are what we are fighting for. The same right that you have to marry who you want, to have your family - to afford your son (is it Luke?) the legal protections he needs. That's what we are looking for. The same thing that you have.
Stop posting anonymous too. Show your face Gary.
so whats next are they going to attack me because i am black?
first it was women who had to fight for ther rights,then it was the blacks now it is the gays and like useual some always some kkk,old tammy(bigots like urself always attacked us) u unleased your dogs we still marched,
u spit in our faces and we still marched,
you beat us with sticks called us niggers we still marched,
now your trying to take away our freedom and yet we still march
as a gay black man i look around and see shit like u and thinks of what my ansestors had to go throught and let me tell you somthing i am 17 yrs old and when 2008 come around i will be 20yrs old and i am going to stand in line to vote even if i have to stand there for two days that where equality can be for the greater good
what ever happend to with liberty and justice for all
It did not say except homosexuals this is america home of the free what part of free don't you people understand cristian my ass if you where a true chistian u would'nt be sayin shit like this backe at ya(emmanuel)
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