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My jackass pick of the day

People can sure say some stupid shit. In this case, Rep Warren Chisum (R-Pampa, Texas) as the sponsor of a new amendment to the Texas State Constitution. The amendment, as originally worded would define marriage as a union between a man and a woman, but it has been expended to block civil unions as well. It also bars ANY legal situations "similar to marriage" which could void or prevent child custody contracts, living wills, rights of attorney, and other contracts gay and lesbian couples use to protect their rights. Are you fucking kidding me? Pardon my foul mouth, but you people like this are the scum of the earth.

But, despite the prohibitions in the proposed amendment, its sponsor, Rep. Warren Chisum (R-Pampa), denied it was discriminatory.

"You can't find anyone in this amendment that's discriminated against," Chisum said. "Homosexuals coming up and saying, 'We're married, too.' That's what this protects [married couples] against."

How is banning gay couples from being parents, creating documents that cost thousands (but would come with marriage) to have lawyers put together as it is, banning marriage and banning anything that even resembles marrriage, ie civil unions. Not discriminatory, eh?

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