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Kansas to vote tomorrow on hateful Constitutional Amendment

The time has come and Kansas is up against a constitutional amendment to write discimination into their state consitution. If passed, Kansas will become the 18th state in the union to take a step backwards as far as the civil rights of it's people are concerned.

After living through Oregon's Measure 36, I can imagine what they are going through. Their chances, which are worse than ours were, are not good. Out of the 13 states to pass such amendments last November, Oregon was the closest to not passing it. To all who care about the progress of civil rights and equal rights in this country and around the world - take a moment to think about these drastic steps the christian right groups are taking to push such hateful and discriminatory laws.

Please visit www.kanasansforfairness.org for more information on the organization leading the fight against it.
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By Blogger LeLo, at 4/4/05, 8:23 PM

I just returned from Kansas, and the only signs I saw anywhere were VOTE YES: it's common sense. Speaking to my relatives, though, many think it won't pass because "most people believe live and let live here in Kansas." I hope that they're right, but I know after our own Measure 36, many people said to me "I wish I had spoken out more". Many Kansans believe in respect for each other, no matter our differences. I hope they show that at the polls.    

By Blogger Gavin S., at 4/4/05, 8:33 PM

You truly never know. The night of November 2nd at the No on 36 party was very up and down and we had no idea where the night would take us. I hope you are right LeLo! muah :)

Kansas - do the right thing! Discrimination does not belong in the constitution. "It's common sense".    

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