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Gay Marriage Halted in Iowa

Friday, August 31, 2007

From CNN:

Two men sealed the state's first legal same-sex marriage with a kiss Friday morning, less than 24 hours after a judge threw out Iowa's ban on gay marriage and about two hours before he put the ruling on hold.

It was a narrow window of opportunity.

Thursday afternoon, Polk County Judge Robert Hanson temporarily cleared the way for same-sex couples across the state to apply for marriage licenses in Polk County.

He ruled that Iowa's 1998 Defense of Marriage Act, which allowed marriage only between a man and a woman, violated the constitutional rights of due process and equal protection of six gay couples who had sued.

County attorney John Sarcone promised a quick appeal, and he asked Hanson to stay his ruling until the appeal was resolved.

A dozen gay and lesbian couples were waiting at the county recorder's office when it opened Friday morning.

By late morning, 20 had applied for marriage licenses when Recorder Julie Haggerty announced that she had been instructed to stop accepting the applications. Hanson later said the judge had formally stayed his ruling.

The judge's stay means the recorder's office is not permitted to accept any more marriage applications from gay couples until the Iowa Supreme Court rules on the county's appeal.

The whole story here.

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Tape of Larry Craig Police Interview with Transcript

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BREAKING: Iowa Court: Same-Sex Couples Must Be Able to Marry

Thursday, August 30, 2007

From Lambda Legal:

Iowa Court Issues Decision in Lambda Legal's Historic Lawsuit: Same-Sex Couples Must Be Allowed to Marry


(Des Moines, IA, August 30, 2007)--A 63 page decision issued today by the Iowa District Court for Polk County said that same-sex couples must be allowed to marry based on the Iowa Constitution's guarantee of equal treatment under the law. The case was filed by Lambda Legal on behalf of six same-sex couples and their families in Iowa.

"This decision brings to life the Iowa Constitution's promise of equality for same-sex couples and their families in Iowa," said Camilla Taylor, Senior Staff Attorney in Lambda Legal's Midwest Regional Office in Chicago.

"This is a significant step forward in recognizing the constitutional rights of all Iowans, and it's an amazing day for same-sex couples and their families all across Iowa," said Dennis Johnson of Dorsey and Whitney, co-counsel for the Plaintiffs with Lambda Legal.

In his decision, Judge Robert B. Hanson said, "Couples, such as Plaintiffs, who are otherwise qualified to marry one another may not be denied licenses to marry or certificates of marriage or in any other way prevented from entering into a civil marriage pursuant to Iowa Code Chapter 595 by reason of the fact that both persons compromising such a couple are of the same sex."

Read entire press release here.

Read the full court decision here.

Here is background on the case.

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Finding Beauty Where Beauty Lacks.

This video is from the College Republican convention... not sure I need to say more.

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Cartoon: Sen. Larry Craig

So I'm hoping this will be the last that I have to talk about this ridiculous Senator... unless he resigns (watch for that post next week) but here is a cartoon that was too good to pass up.

Thanks to JustOut for the link.

GAY.COM Premium Dating - 50% Off

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Ira Glass vs. OPB? Or OPB Siding With Anti-Gay Church

Wednesday, August 29, 2007

After a blogosphere outrage last night and today(here, here, here and here, Ira Glass made the decision to tell OPB that he want to change the venue of his Portland visit. Why you ask? the venue OPB chose was New Hope Community Church in Clakamas. What's wrong with a church you ask? Well nothing, but this one? Something.

According to C&E documents, New Hope Community Church gave 7k to the anti-gay Measure 36 in 2004 and their pastor also gave an additional 1k.

Not enough? During the 2007 legislative session New Hope actively lobbied against Oregon's Domestic Partnership and Anti-Discrimination laws.

Not enough? New Hope is currently collecting signatures to overturn these two laws.

OPB is also paying them a reported $1500 for rental of the space. That my friends is enough. After Ira requested that the venue change, OPB declares that it will stand by its decision to have the event at New Hope - despite more than 8 other locations being offered to them.

CALL. EMAIL. Info below:

John Bell, who booked the venue: jbell@opb.org
Booking agent: steven@barclayagency.com
Also, you can reach the whole OPB board at board@opb.org

Oregon Public Broadcasting:

Take action now.

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Sen. Larry Craig: One Thing That You May Not Know

Just a quick note about Republican Sen. Larry Craig. The media keeps reporting that he has 3 children and 9 grandchildren. I think it is important to make it clear that they aren't actually his biological children, but children by marriage.

That's all for now 'kids'.

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Dan Savage: Self-Proclaimed Straight Men Hooking Up in Bathrooms

Apple Store
Dan Savage (Savage Love) did a great interview last night on CNN regarding Sen. Larry Craig's recent "bathroom hookup" with a man and explains that it is actually self-proclaimed 'straight' men who are closeted that are truly the ones who take part in this sort of activity.

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Larry Craig's Statement from Earlier Today

Tuesday, August 28, 2007

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Sen. Larry Craig Arrested, Pleads Guilty for Lewd Bathroom Behavior

Monday, August 27, 2007

UPDATE: The Smoking Gun has posted the police report from the plain-clothes officer who nabbed Craig at the Minneapolis-St. Paul International Airport.

Idaho Republican Senator Larry Craig was arrested in June at a Minnesota airport for "lewd conduct" in a men's public restroom. On Aug. 8, he pleaded guilty to "misdemeanor disorderly conduct. He "paid more than $500 in fines and fees, and a 10-day jail sentence was stayed. He also was given one year of probation." The arresting officer's report explains:

My experience has shown that individuals engaging in lewd conduct use their bags to block the view from the front of their stall. From my seated position, I could observe the shoes and ankles of Craig seated to the left of me. [...]

At 1216 hours, Craig tapped his right foot. I recognized this as a signal used by persons wishing to engage in lewd conduct. Craig tapped his toes several times and moves his foot closer to my foot. I moved my foot up and down slowly. While this was occurring, the male in the stall to my right was still present. I could hear several unknown persons in the restroom that appeared to use the restroom for its intended use. The presence of others did not seem to deter Craig as he moved his right foot so that it touched the side of my left foot which was within my stall area.

Senator Craig supported the Federal Marriage Amendment, voting for cloture on the amendment in both 2004 and 2006. He voted against cloture on a bill in 2002, which would have extended the federal definition hate crimes to cover sexual orientation.

Guess who won't be running for reelection? I hate love to say it but... another one bites the dust.

Hat tip to Think Progress.

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Know Thy Neighbor Oregon Launches New Site and Blog

Over at Know Thy Neighbor Oregon they've launched a new site and a blog.

Check it out.


Late Thoughts on Bill Richardson's "Choice" Answer

Saturday, August 25, 2007

Two weeks ago on August 9th, LOGO hosted their forum for the Democratic presidential candidates. One by one, each candidate was interviewed by a panel made up of two journalists, Jonathan Capehart and Margaret Carlson; President of the Human Rights Campaign, Joe Solmonese; and musician and singer, Melissa Etheridge.

Six Democratic presidential candidates were in attendance, including Obama, Clinton, and Edwards, as well as Bill Richardson, who slipped up considerably on a question from Etheridge:

"Do you think homosexuality is a choice or is it biological?"

Richardson's reply: "It's a choice, it's..."

Etheridge: "I don't know if you understand the question. Do you think...... a homosexual is born that way, or do you think that around 7th grade we go "oh I want to be gay" ?

Richardson: "You know, uh, I'm not a scientist...."

Anyone with a basic understanding of gay rights should have immediately seen that Richardson had said something he shouldn't have. His answer rightly brought stirs, whispering, and maybe a few odd laughs from the audience as Etheridge appeared very taken aback and gave him a chance to hear the question again to make sure he wasn't confused. He wasn't.

The idea that a person chooses to be homosexual is truly reprehensible. It is offensive to the gay community as a whole to say that we have chosen to be gay because that implies that we could choose to be heterosexual at any time. Following this line of thought, you find the argument that gays shouldn't have equal rights because gay is not something inherent like race or sex, not to mention ridiculous things like Exodus International.

The most perplexing thing about Richardson's answer is his voting record. Like his staff points out in his "Statement Clarifying Answer From HRC Forum" Richardson has supported a slew of very important, powerful pieces of legislation in his home state of New Mexico.

From the press release:

Governor Bill Richardson has an accomplished record fighting for the rights of all Americans. Since taking office, Governor Richardson has:

  1. Expanded anti-discrimination laws to include sexual orientation. [Senate Bill SB 28, 2003 Legislature]
  2. Signed into law the state's first hate crimes legislation for acts including those based on sexual orientation. [SB 38, 2003 Legislature]
  3. Provided state health insurance for domestic partnerships. [Executive Order 03 010]
  4. Signed the Billy Griego HIV and AIDS Act, which was designed to ensure that consumers are the focus of the funding and services provided in all the state's HIV and AIDS cases. [Senate Bill 314, 2005 Legislature]
  5. Created the state's first HIV and AIDS Policy Commission charged with reviewing and making recommendations on state HIV and AIDS policies. The commission also studies and makes recommendations on all factors affecting the availability, quality and accessibility of health services for persons with HIV and AIDS. [Senate Bill 313, 2005 Legislature]
  6. Called a Special Session of the NM State Legislature to push for Domestic Partnerships Legislation, among other issues, after it failed by one vote in the Senate during the Regular Session. Governor Richardson has pledged to push for the legislation again during the next Legislative Session.

Obviously he supports a large number of gay rights issues and should be commended. But there still seems to be a disconnect. Despite a rephrasing of his answer and a press release, it still remains unclear how he feels about that very simple question that Etheridge posed.

Logo has made the entire forum available online, organized by both issue and candidate.

Posted by Zac James

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Mormon Church Eases Stance on Gays

Monday, August 20, 2007

A pamphlet released by the Mormon Church seems to ease its stance on sexual orientation, saying it is not a result of faulty parenting and that it's not a choice. The church still requires celibacy.

From the Alameda Times-Star:

New teachings say lifelong celibacy to be rewarded with heterosexuality in heaven

The Mormon church has quietly moved further from defining homosexuality as evil and the result of faulty parenting.

An unheralded new church publication, "God Loveth His Children," says gay feelings are neither learned nor chosen, and it counsels against rejecting a gay child.

Seemingly aimed at young people, the statement gently counsels individuals who feel attraction to and love for same-gender people to trust in God's plan and not act upon the transitory desires of mortal life - a period of "probation during which we face a variety of temptations and challenges."

It repeatedly warns against feelings of guilt: "Attractions alone do not make you unworthy. If you avoid immoral thoughts and actions, you have not transgressed even if you feel such an attraction."

It also says: "The Lord's command to 'forgive all men' includes the requirement to forgive yourself."

Spokesmen for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints would not say what led the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles and the First Presidency - the two highest governing bodies of the Church - to publish the pamphlet at the end of July.

"I don't know either," said Jan Shipps, a scholar and historian specializing in Mormons. But its placement on the church's Web site makes clear "that it would have to have been approved by the general authorities of the LDS Church."

Those close to the Mormon Church say the publication is neither the result of a religious revelation nor a policy change.

"This represents a continuation of a direction they began going in several years ago," said Terry Givens, the author of four books on Mormonism and a religion professor at the University of Richmond in Virginia.

A 1974 church pamphlet excoriated homosexuality as evil and castigated parents of gays for having raised their children poorly. By 1992, a new teaching suggested that biological factors could be at work.

The new document's admonitions include quotes from 1995 statements made by church President Gordon Hinckley.

"'The Book of Mormon' prophet Nephi voiced feelings we all have when he acknowledged that he did not 'know the meaning of all things,'" it says. "But he testified, 'I know that (God) loveth his children.'" (1 Nephi 11:17).

The church still expects gays to remain celibate. If they do, they will find themselves imbued with heterosexual feelings in the hereafter, which is peopled with families including a mother, a father and children, the document says.

"That is demeaning," said Gary Watts, a Provo, Utah, nuclear medicine physician and the departing president of Family Fellowship, an organization for the families of gays.

"It says you are defective - but if you hang in, God will fix it.

"Ultimately they need to get to a place where they can place value on committed, same-sex unions," said Watts, whose six children include a gay son and a lesbian daughter.


Oregon's Extreme Christian Right is Pissed

Monday, August 13, 2007

They're mad and that is A-OK with me, I'm just not sure if I actually believe why they are mad.

Trying to filter through the lies and rhetoric of Oregon's extreme Christian right can be a bit difficult sometimes. As much as one would like to believe that they don't fill their newsletters with lies and deception in a blatant attempt to mislead their followers can be anything but easy.

This morning I got an email from "Restore America", this is one of the three main groups heading up the attempt to overturn Oregon's brand new Domestic Partnership law and the new statewide Anti-Discrimination law. They seem to be all up in arms about Oregon evangelical church leaders who are refusing to participate in helping them to gather signatures for these anti-family, anti-equality drives.

Here is an excerpt from their newsletter:

For two months now it has become increasingly clear that many, if not most, of the leading Evangelical Churches in Oregon have given up the battle to protect and preserve traditional marriage.

Only three years ago these same churches, at the urging of Dr. James Dobson, mounted a furious and successful effort that Amended the Oregon Constitution to read that marriage was "between a man and a woman only."

With their retreat, which has been glaring, and contradictory to earlier statements, comes the obvious conclusion that the new form of marriage called 'domestic partnerships' created by the legislature, and in violation of the Constitution, is 'okay' with them.

They go on to cite an email from one of their supporters in which they tell the story of their church leaders not wanting to participate.

I'm trying to draw some conclusions here. In no particular order here they are.

  • They are making shit up to get their based revved up about going out and doubling their efforts when gathering signatures, but sadly once you read the email you are left deflated and without much hope for this attempt.
  • They are serious about church leaders not wanting to be involved in this. As we saw during the legislative session, there was a bold letter from over 170 churches in Oregon who stood in solidarity with both the statewide Anti-Discrimination legislation and the Domestic Partnership bill. No objections from them, just full support and their stamp of approval.
  • In addition, they belong to a very small minority of Oregonians who see this as an equivalent to marriage. I sincerely believe that it is no secret that Domestic Partnerships seriously lack weight in comparison to marriage and in being a Christian, being able to protect your family in times of crisis is a strong Christian value. Family is a fundamental Christian value and Oregon's church leaders see this need.
  • Over 75 percent of Oregonians believe that a person should NOT be fired from their job SIMPLY because they are gay or lesbian. Included in that over 75% are evangelical church leaders.

    So what now?

    After reading their email I walked away with a sense of, well not really a sense of much. I know that with such a low threshold of signatures needed (55,179) that both of these could easily be out on the ballot, so is this simply an attempt to liven up their base or is this a move of desperation?

    My assumption is that it is somewhere in the middle of both of those. In no way, shape or form should we ever underestimate the power of our opposition and never should we give up our vigilance, but is there hope? Is it possible that we won't see Domestic Partnerships or Anti-Discrimination referendums on the 2008 ballot?

    In any case, as I said, we need to never lose that vigilance. This comes from Basic Rights Oregon late last week:
    Folks, you are the eyes and the ears across Oregon and we need your help in spotting petition fraud by our opposition.

    If you spot a referendum petition gatherer you should:

    1.) Check to see if they're carrying Referendum Petitions #303 and #304.
    2.) CALL US immediately and tell us where, what time/date, and whether the petitioner was carrying the full text of the bills or not. (It is against the law for them to not be carrying both bills on their person.)

    If you see someone attempting to gather signatures for these anti-equality petitions, call Thomas at 503.222.6151 or email him at Thomas@basicrights.org.

    That's all for now. There are 45 days left until these anti-equality, anti-family and frankly anti-Oregon groups have until they are required to turn in signatures. That is a month-and-a-half, plenty of time for them to collect more than enough sigs.

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  • Presidential Debate on GLBT Issues: 6PM PST TONIGHT

    Thursday, August 09, 2007

    Just a reminder that LOGO is hosting a 2008 presidential debate tonight at 6pm PST and it is ALL about gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender issues. No Republican candidates agreed to come (big surprise). You don't have to have LOGO to watch it! You can watch it on their website! If you miss it, we will hopefully have clips up tomorrow.

    For more info on this event by LOGO and HRC click here.


    Barack Obama Launches Site Just For Gays

    Not that this is a new thing for candidates to do. I remember back in 2004 the candidates had an LGBT outreach as well. Anyway, here is Obama's.

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    Dear President Bush...

    This is exactly why Federal Hate Crimes legislation is needed and President Bush fails to see why--and threatens to veto it. Thank God he is on his way out and we have strong candidates who will in fact stand up for all of America, not just those farthest to the right.

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    A Warning For All Lesbians

    Wednesday, August 08, 2007

    Sure it's probably a stereotype, but here at GRW we're all about stereotypes--and the fact of the matter is that 90% of all stereotypes are true to one degree or another. So...

    Lesbians, please use caution when you begin adopting cats. This could be you when you get old.

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    Bye Bye World... Just For a Few Days.

    Thursday, August 02, 2007

    Gavin here. I'm heading out into the great outdoors this weekend so I will also be taking a hiatus from blogging until the beginning of next week.

    I do want to leave you with one thing though. In California there is a massive coalition of fair-minded groups who have launched a massive public education campaign. I leave you with this great video from the new campaign. See you all on the other side.


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    Portland Conservative Jewish Congregation To Bless Same-Sex Unions

    Wednesday, August 01, 2007

    star of davidA seemingly innocuous email went out last Friday to the 1,000 families of Portland's Jewish Congregation Neveh Shalom.

    But the contents of that communiqué from the rabbi for the synagogue affiliated with the United Synagogue of Conservative Judaism could be seen as a startling change of direction on one of Oregon's hottest hot-button issues: same-sex unions.

    Starting immediately, Neveh Shalom will sanctify the ceremonies of same-sex couples.

    For a traditionally more conservative sect of Judaism, Portland's Congregation Neveh Shalom in Southwest Portland has long welcomed openly gay families into its congregation, according to its leader, Rabbi Daniel Isaak, 58.

    Yet it took a seminal series of decisions in the past year at the national level by the Committee on Jewish Law and Standards of the Conservative Movement to clear the way for Isaak's announcement.

    "Homosexuality is certainly not a new issue for Neveh Shalom," Rabbi Isaak wrote in his email message last week. "The practical impact of [this] decision is that we will sanctify the relations of Jewish same sex couples who ask that such ceremonies take place in our congregation."

    Isaak says no same-sex couples have yet stepped up to accept his offer but that his decision was right in line with other landmark civil rights decisions.

    "A generation ago we went through the same process in terms of egalitarian treatment of women in our congregation," Isaak says. "It was not long ago that interracial marriage was the hot-button topic.

    "Now," he says, "it's just something we don't even consider."

    Isaak says response has been "exceedingly positive," with one lone congregant angered more by how Isaak chose to disseminate his message than by the message.

    via Willamette Week. Read the rest and comment over there.

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