Two weeks ago on August 9th, LOGO hosted their forum for the Democratic presidential candidates. One by one, each candidate was interviewed by a panel made up of two journalists, Jonathan Capehart and Margaret Carlson; President of the Human Rights Campaign, Joe Solmonese; and musician and singer, Melissa Etheridge.
Six Democratic presidential candidates were in attendance, including Obama, Clinton, and Edwards, as well as Bill Richardson, who slipped up considerably on a question from Etheridge:
"Do you think homosexuality is a choice or is it biological?"
Richardson's reply: "It's a choice, it's..."
Etheridge: "I don't know if you understand the question. Do you think...... a homosexual is born that way, or do you think that around 7th grade we go "oh I want to be gay" ?
Richardson: "You know, uh, I'm not a scientist...."
Anyone with a basic understanding of gay rights should have immediately seen that Richardson had said something he shouldn't have. His answer rightly brought stirs, whispering, and maybe a few odd laughs from the audience as Etheridge appeared very taken aback and gave him a chance to hear the question again to make sure he wasn't confused. He wasn't.
The idea that a person chooses to be homosexual is truly reprehensible. It is offensive to the gay community as a whole to say that we have chosen to be gay because that implies that we could choose to be heterosexual at any time. Following this line of thought, you find the argument that gays shouldn't have equal rights because gay is not something inherent like race or sex, not to mention ridiculous things like Exodus International.
The most perplexing thing about Richardson's answer is his voting record. Like his staff points out in his "Statement Clarifying Answer From HRC Forum" Richardson has supported a slew of very important, powerful pieces of legislation in his home state of New Mexico.
From the press release:
Governor Bill Richardson has an accomplished record fighting for the rights of all Americans. Since taking office, Governor Richardson has:
- Expanded anti-discrimination laws to include sexual orientation. [Senate Bill SB 28, 2003 Legislature]
- Signed into law the state's first hate crimes legislation for acts including those based on sexual orientation. [SB 38, 2003 Legislature]
- Provided state health insurance for domestic partnerships. [Executive Order 03 010]
- Signed the Billy Griego HIV and AIDS Act, which was designed to ensure that consumers are the focus of the funding and services provided in all the state's HIV and AIDS cases. [Senate Bill 314, 2005 Legislature]
- Created the state's first HIV and AIDS Policy Commission charged with reviewing and making recommendations on state HIV and AIDS policies. The commission also studies and makes recommendations on all factors affecting the availability, quality and accessibility of health services for persons with HIV and AIDS. [Senate Bill 313, 2005 Legislature]
- Called a Special Session of the NM State Legislature to push for Domestic Partnerships Legislation, among other issues, after it failed by one vote in the Senate during the Regular Session. Governor Richardson has pledged to push for the legislation again during the next Legislative Session.
Obviously he supports a large number of gay rights issues and should be commended. But there still seems to be a disconnect. Despite a rephrasing of his answer and a press release, it still remains unclear how he feels about that very simple question that Etheridge posed.
Logo has made the entire forum available online, organized by both issue and candidate.
Posted by Zac James
Labels: 2008 Presidential Election, celebrity, television