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FDA Blood Ban: Prejudice Over Science

Yesterday, the Food and Drug Administration announced on their website that the current lifetime ban on donating blood will remain in effect for gay and bisexual men. In March of 2006, the American Association of Blood Banks (AABB), America's Blood Centers (ABC) and the American Red Cross (ARC) testified before the FDA that the lifetime ban for men who have sex with men "is medically and scientifically unwarranted" and that "it does not appear rational to broadly differentiate sexual transmission via male-to-male sexual activity from that via heterosexual activity on scientific grounds."

"Yesterday's affirmation of this policy by the FDA reflects a commitment to prejudice over science," said Human Rights Campaign President Joe Solmonese. "Our nation's leading blood services organizations agree that there is no rational justification for treating gay and bisexual men different than straight men. Given modern testing and the fact that anyone can be vulnerable to infection, there is no medical or scientific rationale for this discriminatory policy.

"Natural disasters like Hurricane Katrina and the threat of catastrophic terrorist attack make our nation's need for a robust and safe blood supply even more acute. The real public health threat is closing the door on countless numbers of men who selflessly want to donate blood. We are extremely disappointed that the Food and Drug Administration chose not to heed the advice of the Red Cross and other groups and put science and our nation's security over misguided prejudice."

The FDA policy dictates that even a single incident of MSM (men who have sex with men) activity since 1977 places that potential donor on a lifetime deferral list, a policy that was established in the early days of the HIV/AIDS epidemic before the advent of sophisticated DNA and serologic testing mechanisms that eliminate the risk of introducing HIV and other harmful agents into the general blood supply.

Via a press release from the Human Rights Campaign.

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By Anonymous Anonymous, at 5/25/07, 12:59 PM

that's such bs. I don't have AIDS or HIV or anything and I'm gay. so what if I decided I wanted to donate blood to save someone elses life? Should I be sorry for caring about other people? Blood doesn't care what orientation you are and I'm pretty sure the person who needs it could care less as long as its clean.    

By Anonymous Anonymous, at 6/6/07, 3:24 PM

And I bet a porn star who has sex with multiple partners (as long as they are not msm) are ok to give blood.

What about a life time ban on anyone that's ever done drugs?

the FDA and the political machine cater to the fear of uneducated rednecks.    

By Blogger Unknown, at 9/27/07, 3:14 PM

I actually just found out about this today when I tried to give blood. It upset me greatly. I just can't understand why I would be banned for life because I had sex with a man over a year ago. It's like saying something like...straight ppl shouldn't be parents because almost all abused kids are abused by straight parents. I've never heard a case of gay couples abusing their kids. They are clearly discriminating against gays. Straight people get aids and other transmitted diseases just as much as gays do. Are they going to start defining anyone who is or was born in Africa?? No,they wouldn't do that because it would be "racist". I am just so tired of being discriminated against and I am going to do my best to try to make a difference...even if it is small..    

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