Shame on You Largo, Florida. Shame.
Saturday, March 24, 2007
Steve Stanton has worked for as a public servant for over 14 years. He has served his community so well that just recently he was given huge praise for his work and a sizable raise for his outstanding work. So why was he fired?
Steve Stanton was fired by the Largo City Council because he was forced to announce that he was transgender and planning on transitioning to a female, the gender of which he was not physically born into, but that he was mentally born into. Not familiar with transgender issues? Go read up on the subject on Wikipedia. (Transgender, Gender Dysphoria)
Stanton served. Served with a great passion for his community. Served so well, that as we stated below was recently just given a very respectable raise in salary. He was and still is view by many as an exemplary employee of the city. But late last night after hours of testimony, Stanton's appeal to his termination was upheld, 5-2.
The Commission's decision to terminate is a stunning demonstration of bias and intolerance. By choosing discrimination over inclusiveness, the City Commissioners failed Stanton and failed their city.
Largo directly violated THEIR OWN non-discrimination policy as well as state and federal laws.
Steve Stanton, we stand behind you. We applaud your bold and courageous stand against blatant discrimination.
Shame on you Largo, Florida, shame on you.
Labels: anti gay, discrimination, florida, steve stanton, transgender