BREAKING: Ford Lied. It's Even Worse Than We Thought.
When Ford caved into the demands by the notoriously anti-gay "American Family Association" by pulling ads for Land Rover and Jag - we thought that was the extent of their cowardice. Turns out we were wrong...
It's over. Ford lied.
For days Ford has been saying this is just about a few ads. For days Ford has been saying they didn't agree to anything. And for days Ford has been saying Volvo will continue marketing to the gay community.
Not true.
We now find out that Ford has agreed to stop supporting gay events. We now find out that Ford's Volvo ads will continue in gay publications, but the ads will no longer target the gay community - meaning, they'll use generic ads that they're using elsewhere.
Ford didn't just lie, they caved to the AFA big time. A major US corporation is no longer supporting gay and lesbian organizations - something it did to a large degree in the past - because an extremist gay-hating hate group threatened them.
Ford is dead.
This is from, the publication that broke the Ford story last week, and it's owned by Primedia, it's a real industry publication:
Ford Motor Co.'s decision to cease advertising in gay publications for its Jaguar and Land Rover luxury brands is part of a truce between the auto maker and the American Family Assn. (AFA) to avert a threatened boycott by the right-wing Christian conservative group, Wards learns...
As part of the latest agreement hammered out Nov. 29, sources confirm Volvo Cars will continue to advertise in the publications but will use generic ads not tailored to the gay community.
In addition, Ford has agreed not to sponsor any future gay and lesbian events but will continue to maintain its employee policies, such as same-sex partner benefits.
Gee, isn't that swell. Ford agreed not to viciously revoke its benefits for all of its employees. Gosh, I'm so proud of them. Not to mention, if Ford is stating that it's not revoking its benefits, then it sounds like the religious right wanted them to. Yet Ford told us that the issue was only about a few ads.
I think about companies like Nike and the integrity they showed during the past Oregon Legislative session. They were threatened with boycott from the same group for sponsoring SB1000, the bill that would have created civil unions and a statewide anti-discrimination policy. They laughed it off. Yet Ford, caved??
Via HRC you can send a message to Ford: Click Here.
For Oregon Ford Dealership Contact info click here.
Posted by Bryan Harding
Ford, like any company, has rights to do what they want. I'm sure someone like yourself, who keeps pounding for rights, would agree.
How you compare the two is incredibly questionable. It really makes no sense.
Ford has long been a friend to GLBT Americans and was the first automotive company to score 100% on the Human Rights Campaign Foundation's Corporate Equality Index. Ford's current policies and trends are in line with mainstream corporate America.
Conforming to the demands of any discriminatory group would not only be wrong, it would be an enormous mistake for business.
So as you ask... Where is Your Brain??
Ford, Ford, Ford. Truth is, we don't like your cars anyway. I will be sure to spend my disposable income with another car company. Oh wait, I don't even own a Ford now. Guess I will stick with my VW.
JustaDog is right: Ford has a right to do this. Fine, go ahead, Ford, do it, and say bye-bye to a huge, growing buying contingent out here: the GLBTQ community has incredible buying power, and YOU BET I won't give a dime to companies that do bullshit cave-ins like Ford just has. I'm glad to know about it: it means no more Fords, and I'll be sure to tell everyone I know not to buy Ford as well.
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