Who died? Our Akita... Evita.

I got tickets for Monday night! Two days before it opens! Am I the only one that can hardly stand it? I am counting the days, actually more like the hours until RENT comes to the big screen.
My first encounter with RENT was in London when I was a youngin' - about 15 or 16 years old. I had the honor of seeing most of the original cast that time. Since then, I've seen it four additional times in Portland, and twice in San Francisco. I'll admit it, I'm a RENT junkie.

The movie was almost entirely filmed in San Francisco (though take places in NY). See our previous post about RENT a few months back. With most of RENT's original Broadway cast on board it's sure to be a huge success...

Here are a few links to movie clips:
Mimi and Rodger
Posted by Bryan Harding
I am SO excited it's not even funny. CAN'T WAIT. In fact, I just checked, and it's 6 days, 3 hours, 25 minutes and 43 seconds until the movie opens.
I am SUCH a renthead. I just searched ' Akita Evita' and found the link to this. Cool site!
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