Lou Beres: You Sick Fucker

This is just way too good to pass up. Lou Beres, longtime chairman of the Christian Coalition of Oregon also former chairman of the Multnomah County Republican Party, is facing some incredibly serious and disgusting allegations. Truly horrifying... Lou Beres is currently being investigated for molesting three female family members when they were pre-teens.
If true (I have no doubt it is, but for legal reasons I will say that) I have some words...
Fucking hypocrite. What happened to practicing what you preach, you sick fuck? I am outraged. Totally and completely outraged. How can you sit there preaching about morality, working hard to set back civil rights decades... You are a disgusting pervert Lou.
The GOP, known by themsleves as the party of morals, has proven time and time again that they are anything but. This--just the latest.
Beres of course denies the charges made by the three women... his family members. I have to say I'm pretty damn confident that these are true charges. Fight them Lou, you obviously will--you know the truth though and I hope it eats at you every single second of the day. You've destroyed lives.
"There is an investigation of allegations that have been made," Multnomah County District Attorney Michael Schrunk said Saturday. The Oregonian talked to three of Beres' female relatives, including two who told reporters that he molested them. All three said they have been interviewed for several hours by detectives.
"I was molested," said one of the women, now in her early 50s. "I was victimized, and I've suffered all my life for it. I'm still afraid to be in the same room with (Beres)."
My heart goes out to the women victimized by this vile man.
Written by Bryan Harding
So, it's a vile thing for conservatives to abuse children, but its ok for you leftist gay nazis to cornhole anything that moves....
Ok. Whatever. . .
Okay, I'm going to ignore that anonymous comment because it's just ignorant...
I think stories like this prove that people do make terrible mistakes (or are just sick), so really no one should be judging anyone but themselves. Also, uber-conservatives scare me. They often turn out to be the most f'ed up.
Here we go again with the crazy religious 'right' and calling everyone who isn't keen to their cultish views a Nazi.
While normally I would want to delete such trash from my blog, I think it's a great example of the type of people you really are.
Yes it is VILE what this man did. Not only did he sexually abuse three pre-teen girls, they were also his family members. It's brutally disgusting. Great to see you defending his actions. Then again he probably is someone you look up to.
As far as the other idiotic comment you made... I'll just ignore it.
Agreed. Why is it that those who are the most extreme righties are actually the ones with the worst skeletons in their closet? Makes me wonder what else is out there... seems there is another fallout on that side every week.
Tomorrow Gay Rights Watch will have a great follow up to this story. Less rant...
Yeah- I'd vote for keeping Cornhole's comment up here. It wonderfully demonstrates the severe ignorance that's still out there.
I would like to say a little something to mr cornhole...AS A LESBIAN SURVIVOR OF CHILDHOOD SEXUAL ABUSE....
I am horrified when my partner's kind touch is equated to the crime that was committed on me. You seem to think that what this murderer of innocence did is less offensive than what transpires between two consenting adults. That tells me that your sense of ethics is twisted beyond recovery. Get the cowshit off your heels, you sick redneck.
He's only one of many. Visit www.armchairsubversive.org to check out some more of these hypocrites.
I am Lou Beres nephew - I can assure you he has molested children for decades now.
His latest spin is that as one of his molested daughters - my cousin - bravely searches her past and what he did to her - Beres and enabler wife Marianne denounce her as being guided by Satan.
I believe the good Lord is tired of hateful hyprocrits like my Uncle Lou - especially his hate of GLBT (Pride) - and it must stop.
Rich Galat
Please tell your cousin, that I believe her, and support her long before I would ever believe or support him.
There are books by Ellen Bass and Laura Davis that may be very helpful to her. (You can find them on Amazon.) I wish her all the best in the journey of memories, healing, and inventory that she is taking on. It will last many years, and will become a part of her for the rest of her life, but she will be stronger for it.
Thank you, Tanya.
I will pass this information on. :)
Child Molester Lou has some big surprises coming.
The arrogance of this mentally disturbed predator is - galling.
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