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Kulongoski comes out swinging.

Today I attended the Basic Rights Oregon luncheon. Gov. Kulongoski was the keynote speaker. I've always been a bit shaky about him - although he certainly talked the talk today... and is walking to walk by leading the charge for SB1000. To read the full speech he delivered, click here. I was very impressed. So anyway. The gay community has a tough fight ahead of us. You would think that civil unions would be much easier to get through than marriage though it won't be easy. The radical right wing extremists that led the hateful Yes on 36 campaign are fighting us on our civil unions bill. Throughout the Measure 36 campaign the Yes side had said that if it gets passed - they would still leave it open for us to at least have civil unions. Yeah - NOT THE CASE. More details to come on that. They are aligning themselves with crazy extremists to keep us down. We need to fight back - and fight back harder than ever. We cannot let Oregon be an unequal, unfair place to live for so many families and individuals. To write a letter to your Senator urging them to support SB1000 please click here. There are letters there to help you write them. Be original though. Make it personal so that we can get the most impact.
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By Blogger Daniel, at 4/27/05, 9:05 PM

For such a tolerant guy you sure do a lot of name calling.
Let me try:
Those hateful gay extemists want to push through SB1000, a discriminatory bill that would give special rights to one group of people. These crazy gays will do anything to fulfill their agenda and are doing their best to keep the Christians down.

Daniel's Political Musings    

By Blogger Gavin S., at 4/28/05, 7:46 AM

Name calling is simply incorrect. Facts are facts.

I will do a posting today that will show you the "Lies and the Liars that tell them".

It's amazing how often these people contradict themselves. They say what they need to say to get what they want accomplished. They lie to the citizens of Oregon and do NOTHING BUT hurt real Oregon families. There is no denying that. I'd love to see what you have to say to this upcoming post. Please feel free to leave comments on it.    

By Anonymous Anonymous, at 5/22/05, 2:40 PM

speak the truth my gay brother

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