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Reaction to the Gay Marriage Ruling in CA

Reactions to California's decision yesterday are widely varied. You have the fair minded and the 'all fags should burn in hell' minded. Here are just a few from public figures.

"My reaction is I'm astounded and I believe the decision is absolutely ludicrous. To conclude the state has no rational purpose to preserve marriage to one man and one woman is nonsense. I don't think marriage should be left to the stroke of a pen by a single judge. Marriage as one man and one woman has formed the basis of our society for millennia."

– Mathew Staver, president and general counsel of Liberty Counsel, which represented the Campaign for California Families.

"We will not be appealing this decision."

– A jovial Mayor Gavin Newsom, flanked by several same-sex couples and their supporters at City Hall shortly after the ruling was announced.

"Today's ruling is an important step toward a more fair and just California, that rejects discrimination and affirms family values for all California families."

– San Francisco City Attorney Dennis Herrera.

"It's a foregone conclusion that it's going to go up on appeal."

– Therese Stewart, attorney for city and county of San Francisco.

"With plain but compelling logic, the judge has shown us all why – in a nation committed to fairness – gays and lesbians must not be shut out of marriage ... Our constitution promises liberty to all; this decision takes us closer to that promise."

– Christine Sun, attorney for the American Civil Liberties Union.

"The practical effect is the disregard of close to two-thirds of the people of California who used the initiative process to ensure that marriage would remain between one man and one woman."

– Robert Tyler, an attorney for the Alliance Defense Fund, reacting to the judge nullifying the voter-approved Proposition 22, which prevented California from recognizing same-sex marriages.
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