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Gay Rights "Creates Discrimination"

Legislation to include gays and lesbians in Montana's human rights law is discrimination against Christians foes of the measure have declared at a House committee hearing.

"It's an abomination in God's sight," Peter Merkes of Helena said of homosexuality at a House Judiciary Committee which was holding public hearings on the bill.

"You're asking Christian people to support with their tax money something that is diametrically opposed to God's word," he told the committee. "We cannot go there. God's going to hold you accountable."

Another citizen appearing before the committee complained of "drag queens," "French-kissing men" and those who march in gay pride parades dressed as priests and nuns.

Gene Williams said the bill is part of an effort by gay and lesbian activists to "eventually force total acceptance of homosexuality by citizens of this nation."

"The American people will not allow this cultural degradation to prevail," Williams said.

The legislation has already passed the Senate which for the first time in years is controlled by Democrats. In the past Republicans were able to kill gay rights bills.

The bill would add sexual orientation to the state's human rights laws against discrimination in employment, public accommodations, housing, financial transactions, education, job referrals, licensing, training programs, government services and funding, and public contracts.

"This bill is really about fair treatment," said Sen. Ken Toole (D- Helena) the bill's sponsor.

Among those speaking in favor of the bill was the Rev. F. Vernon Wright of the Plymouth Congregational United Church of Christ.

Like gender or race, homosexuality is not a matter of preference and should not be treated as such, he said. "One's inborn characteristics, one's innate nature, being in the nature of God is not wrong."

Republicans on the Judiciary Committee tried to kill Toole's measure immediately after the hearing, but the move failed on 10-8 vote.

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