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Boy Scouts Leader now has his child porn badge!

This just figures - the always "moral" Boy Scouts have a new scandal...

The national director of programs for the Boy Scouts of America has been charged with receiving and distributing child pornography, the U.S. Attorney's office here told NBC News on Tuesday.

Douglas S. Smith Jr. was charged with one felony count of having photos that show "minors engaging in sexually explicit conduct."

Sources in the U.S. Attorney's office told NBC that Smith was expected to plead guilty.

The images were of young boys and the investigation started in Germany, the sources added.

In a statement Tuesday, the Boy Scouts of America said it had no indication of prior criminal activity.

"We are dismayed and shocked to learn of the charge," it said. "Smith was employed by the organization for 39 years, with no indication of prior criminal activity. He was not in a leadership position which involved working directly with youth."

The statement said Smith was placed on paid administrative leave immediately after the organization learned that he was being investigated for a crime, and that Smith decided to retire shortly thereafter.

Smith, 61, would not comment when reached by phone at his home.

He was expected to appear in federal court Wednesday morning. If tried and found guilty, he faces prison time ranging from five to 20 years.

A resident of Colleyville, Texas, Smith is himself an Eagle Scout. According to Greg Fields, a Boy Scout of America spokesperson based in Irving, Texas, Smith is no longer involved in troop activity.

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By Blogger Daniel, at 3/29/05, 10:03 PM

I think that it's interesting that you celebrate the fact that a sick individual is a member of a group that you don't like. Maybe you should compare the ration of boy scout leader pedophiles to public school teacher pedophiles and see what you come up with.

By Blogger Gavin S., at 3/29/05, 10:20 PM

I view the Boy Scouts as an organization similar to the Catholic Church. I have nothing against public schools therefore cannot see the rationalization in your comment.

Also - at this point no one has said anything about this man molesting any children, as he did not work with the youth directly. I in no way support this behavior and I feel bad for the guy. He needs help. The Boy Scout have been in hot water in the recent past over it's no gay policy - that is my main reason for me having an issue with them.    

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